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7 Activities your famliy can do this weekend ...

Sick and tired of Fridays coming around and you still don't know what do to this weekend?

It's frustrating, because it is hard to come up with something. So when you don't find something to do, you end up sitting around and doing nothing but housework and everyone feels bored!

To make things worse, when Monday comes around and someone asks what you did on the weekend, you say 'nothing' and feel like a complete idiot! 

7 Activities your family can do this weekend.

Well, I have put together a little list of things that you can do with the family or a group of friends. 

The great thing about this list, it doesn't matter where you are in the world there is something here to do. Make sure you take the time to plan at least one activity on here within the next month! 

Alternatively you can pick one, for example 'Pub Lunches' and set a mission of going to every pub within a 2 hour drive in every direction for the next three or four months.